What is Breast Augmentation, Meaning, Definition & Types


Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at enhancing the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. In Dubai, where beauty standards are highly valued, breast augmentation is a popular option for those seeking to achieve a fuller bust and improve their overall appearance.

This comprehensive guide aims to provide a deeper understanding of breast augmentation, including its meaning, definition, types, procedure, recovery, and potential risks.

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to increase the size and improve the shape of the breasts. It involves the placement of implants or the transfer of fat from other parts of the body to enhance breast volume and contour. Breast augmentation can address various concerns, including small breast size, asymmetry, or loss of breast volume due to pregnancy, weight loss, or aging.

Types of Breast Implants:

There are two primary types of breast implants used in Dubai: saline implants and silicone implants. Saline implants are filled with sterile saltwater solution and are inserted into the breast empty before being filled to the desired size. 

Silicone implants are filled with silicone gel, which closely resembles the feel of natural breast tissue. Both types of implants come in different shapes, sizes, and profiles to suit each individual’s aesthetic preferences and anatomical characteristics.

Surgical Procedure:

Breast augmentation surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia to ensure patient comfort and safety. In Dubai, experienced plastic surgeons use advanced surgical techniques to achieve optimal results while minimizing scarring and complications. 

During the procedure, the surgeon makes incisions either around the areola, in the breast crease, or in the armpit to create a pocket for the implant. The implant is then inserted and positioned either behind the breast tissue or beneath the chest muscle, depending on the patient’s anatomy and desired outcome.

Recovery Process:

After breast augmentation surgery, patients in Dubai can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which are normal parts of the healing process. It’s essential to follow the surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully, including wearing a supportive bra, avoiding strenuous activities, and attending follow-up appointments. 

Most individuals can resume light activities within a few days and return to work or school within a week, but it may take several weeks for the swelling to fully resolve and the final results to be visible.

Types of Breast Augmentation Incisions:

In Dubai, breast augmentation incisions can be made in different locations, depending on the patient’s anatomy, implant type, and desired outcome. The most common incision options include:

  1. Inframammary Incision: The incision is made in the natural crease beneath the breast, where scarring is less visible.
  2. Periareolar Incision: The incision is made around the edge of the areola, blending seamlessly with the natural skin tone.
  3. Transaxillary Incision: The incision is made in the armpit, avoiding any visible scarring on the breast itself.
  4. Transumbilical Incision: The incision is made in the belly button, and the implant is inserted through a tunnel created beneath the skin.

Each incision option offers its advantages and considerations, and the choice will be discussed between the patient and the surgeon during the pre-operative consultation.

Potential Risks and Complications: Like any surgical procedure, breast augmentation carries certain risks and potential complications. These may include infection, bleeding, changes in nipple sensation, implant rupture or leakage, and capsular contracture (the formation of scar tissue around the implant). 

It’s essential for patients to understand these risks and to discuss them with their surgeon before undergoing surgery. By choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon in Dubai and following pre- and post-operative instructions diligently, the likelihood of complications can be minimized.


Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure in Dubai, offering women the opportunity to enhance their breast size and shape and improve their self-confidence. By understanding the meaning, definition, types, procedure, recovery process, and potential risks of breast augmentation, individuals can make informed decisions about pursuing this transformative surgery. 

With the guidance of a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon, breast augmentation can help women achieve their aesthetic goals and feel more comfortable and confident in their bodies.

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